It is easy to get caught up in the excitement of the game, a child scoring a goal, a team winning a game. Occasionally, it can be easy for that excitement to go too far.
The original F.A. RESPECT program was an initiative put in place in 2008 by the Football Association in England to provide guidelines to help protect youth referees from unnecessary abuse. Far too many young referees have quit the game far too early due to the intense pressure put on them by players and coaches and it reached a critical point in England where 1 in 3 grassroots youth games did not have a referee due to a severe shortage of willing and qualified officials.
A youth player on the field will have the support of their teammates, their coaches, their parents and friends. If a player makes a mistake, they will regularly receive words of encouragement, and support to keep going. A youth referee is at times, on the field alone. If they make a mistake, they often do not have the same support to encourage them, and may even be criticized and taunted. Both young players and young referees will all make mistakes, but we must all be conscious to provide a positive environment where both can learn and improve from their mistakes.
At the FDSA, we strive to develop both top quality players as well as top quality referees. We have adapted RESPECT within our club to help keep our young referees involved in the game so they can gain the needed experience to reach their highest potential without added pressure.
RESPECT makes for better enjoyment of the game by all, and helps create an environment where ALL players and members want to be, where they are excited, engaged, improving and able to become their best.
The following guides provide best practices and behaviour to ensure everyone gets the most enjoyment out of the game.
RESPECT for Players
On and off the field, I will:
- Adhere to the Laws of the Game
- Display and promote high standards of behavior
- Promote Fair Play
- Always RESPECT the match officials decisions
- Never engage in public criticism of the match officials
- Never engage in offensive, insulting or abusive language or behavior
- Never engage in bullying, intimidation or harassment
- Speak to my teammates, the opposition and my coach with RESPECT
- Remember we all make mistakes
- Win or lose with dignity. Shake hands with the opposing team and the referee at the end of every game
RESPECT for Coaches and Managers
On and off the field, I will:
- Use my position to set a positive example for the people I am responsible for
- Show RESPECT to others involved in the game including match officials, opposition players, coaches, managers, officials and spectators
- Adhere to the laws and spirit of the game
- Promote Fair Play and high standards of behavior
- Always RESPECT the match official’s decision
- Never enter the field of play without the referee’s permission
- Never engage in public criticism of the match officials
- Never engage in, or tolerate, offensive, insulting or abusive language or behavior
- Be gracious in both victory and defeat
- When working with players, I will:
- Place the well being, safety and enjoyment of each player above everything, including winning
- Explain exactly what I expect of players and what they can expect from me
- Ensure all parents/guardians of all players under the age of 18 understand these expectations
- Never engage in or tolerate any form of bullying
- Develop mutual trust and RESPECT with every player to build their self esteem
- Encourage each player to accept responsibility for their own behaviour and performance
- Ensure all activities I organize are appropriate for the players’ ability level, age and maturity
- Cooperate fully with others in football (ie: officials, doctors, physiotherapists, etc), for each player’s best interests
RESPECT for Referees
I will:
- Be honest and complete impartial at all times
- Apply the Laws of the Game and competition rule fairly and consistently
- Manage the game in a positive, calm and confident manner
- Deal with all instances of violence, aggression, unsporting behaviour, foul play and other misconduct
- Never tolerate offensive, insulting or abusive language or behaviour from players and team officials
- Support the other match officials at all times
- Set a positive personal example by promoting good behaviour and showing RESPECT to everyone involved in the game
- Communicate clearly with players and encourage fair play
- Respond in a clear, calm and confident manner to any appropriate request for clarification by the team captains
- Complete and submit, accurate and concise reports within a timely manner for games in which I officiate
RESPECT for Parents and Spectators
I will:
- Remember that children play for FUN
- Applaud effort and good play as well as success
- Always RESPECT the match officials’ decisions even if you may not agree with them
- Applaud and appreciate good play from whatever team it may come from
- Remain outside the field of play and within the designated spectators area
- Let the coach provide direction and not confuse the players by telling them what to do
- Encourage the players to RESPECT the opposition, referee and match officials
- Avoid criticizing a player for making a mistake – mistakes are part of learning
- Never engage in, or tolerate, offensive, insulting, or abusive language or behaviour